High Purity Tin Anodes and Bars

DKL Metals are the UK and Ireland’s lead distributor for comprehensive pure/high grade tin anodes. They are produced by casting, rolling or extrusion depending on the customer requirement and are used widely across Europe in the electroplating and manufacture of printed circuit boards.

We supply a selection of Pure Tin Anodes in the following profiles, Ovals, Hemispheres, Flat Rolled Anodes and Granules.  Other profiles are available upon request.  We also supply Pure Tin Bars in our standard packaging sizes.  All of our High Purity Tin Alloy is supplied using minimum “Three Nines Tin”  Higher grades of Tin (e.g. Four and Five Nines) are available upon request.

Please just give our team a call on 01506 847710 or email sales@dklmetals.co.uk for more information.


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